
Olympism365 is the IOC’s strategy to strengthen the role of sport as an important enabler for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in line with Recommendation 10 of Olympic Agenda 2020+5.

The objectives of this strategy are to:

  • Ensure more people, from more diverse backgrounds, benefit from participating in community sports programmes and accessing Olympism “365 days a year”
  • Improve society’s recognition of the value and essential service provided by safe, inclusive and sustainable community sports organisations
  • Enhance impactful collaboration between the sports movement, the social development sector, and for-purpose businesses.

Where we work

Intervention areas

Olympism365 is delivered through:

  • Six thematic portfolios of sport for social development projects, that are currently delivered across 75 countries.

Working collaboratively with more than 50 organisations to strengthen the contribution of sport and Olympism to society, Olympism365:

- Co-invests in community sport programmes that provide moreopportunities for people to access the benefits of sport.

- Builds the capacity of people and institutions to use sport for sustainable development.

- Generates insights, research and knowledge to inform and shape policy, and advocate for the role of sport and Olympism in society.

- Supports campaigns, communities of practice, and exchange of learning that promote the benefits of sport and physical activity, andencourage population-wide behaviour change.

Key principles

The following key principles are embedded across Olympism365: 

  • Solidarity: Working collectively under the principle of “stronger together” and prioritising contexts and communities where need is greatest.
  • Safeguarding: Promoting safe sport and development opportunities, strengthening prevention, and building capacity to prevent harassment and abuse in and through sport.
  • Equality and inclusion: Ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all, equitable and inclusive, and free from any form of discrimination.
  • Sustainability: Delivering programmes in a way that promotes sustainable environmental, economic and social development.
  • Human rights: Embedding a rights-based approach in programme planning and delivery, promoting sport as a human right, and ensuring every individual has the possibility of practising sport.


  • Olympism365 overview31 May 2024 · 16 pages · pdf · 4 Mb
    Recommendation 10 of Olympic Agenda 2020+531 May 2024 · 37 pages · pdf · 690 Kb
    Olympism365 on YouTube31 May 2024