Good governance


Good Governance and Equal Process

Good governance is part of the Fundamental Principles of Olympism and serves to get the respect and confidence of all partners. One of the IOC’s roles is to encourage the promotion of ethics and good governance in the sports movement. 

The Candidature Process is based on fair and equal treatment of all Cities throughout the entire process, exempt from any external influence, with equal conditions and opportunities for each candidature and without any risk of conflicts of interest. The IOC ensures that, the process is transparent and each City is treated equally through the Rules Governing the Candidature Process Olympic Winter Games 2026.

Adherence to these Rules protects the integrity of the process, avoids conflicts of interests and ensures that all cities, at all stages of the process are treated in a fair and equal manner. 

The Basic Universal Principles of Good Governance of the Olympic and Sports Movement, in particular transparency, responsibility and accountability, must be respected by all Olympic constituents. 

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Candidature Process 2026