Dialogue Stage
The Dialogue Stage allows Interested Cities and NOCs to explore the benefits of hosting an Olympic Games. The IOC gains an understanding of the key opportunities and risks of Interested Cities before inviting them to develop a comprehensive candidature concept and file.
The Process and its benefits
The IOC appoints an Olympic Winter Games 2026 Working Group overseen by an IOC member. It is comprised of representatives from the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), the International Winter Sports Federations (IFs), the NOCs and the IOC Athletes’ Commission. The Working Group conducts a technical assessment of the Interested Cities and provides the IOC Executive Board with a report that clearly identifies the opportunities and risks associated with each City’s Olympic project. This report takes into account the unique nature of each City’s vision and their legacy plans.
Ongoing IOC assistance and support
The IOC’s Olympic Games Candidature Coordination (OGCC) team is dedicated to providing the best possible services and assistance to Cities considering a possible candidature for the Olympic Games. They are the focal point of contact at the IOC for all matters relating to the Candidature Process and coordinate all IOC services and activities for the Cities. The various services provided include:
– In-City interactive working sessions
– On-site expert support
– Q&A Hub
– Research to assess feasibility of Olympic project
– The Olympic Games Knowledge Transfer programme
Cities may have different needs at different times, so the IOC remains flexible in its support services and coordinates with each City individually.
Timeline of the Dialogue Stage