Candidature Stage
The Candidate Cities and the IOC collaborate during the Candidature Stage to ensure the development of the best possible Games project that aligns with the Cities’ long-term development plans.
The Process and its benefits
The IOC appoints an Evaluation Commission to conduct an in-depth assessment of the Candidate Cities and to publish a report. The report addresses the essential elements for the planning and delivery of successful Olympic Games, whilst taking into account the unique nature of each City’s vision, concept and legacy opportunities
The Candidate Cities are requested to submit an official file to describe their Games delivery and legacy plan. Every Olympic Games edition showcases the culture of the host city and country, and Candidature Files are used to reflect this unique nature of each City. Technical information included in the files showcases the feasibility of Games plans. Examples of this information are:
Athlete experience
Paralympic Games
Along with the Candidature File, Cities are asked to agree with the core Olympic values. This includes:
– Respect of the Olympic Charter
– Protection of human rights
– Compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code
Timeline of the Candidature Stage