About the team
Director – Yoshiyuki Momose
Animation Director. Yoshiyuki Momose is a renowned prodigy in the world of animation who played a central role in the works of famed animator Isao Takahata, from Grave of the Fireflies to The Tale of The Princess Kaguya. Like Takahata, Momose continues to challenge the norms and boundaries of traditional animation, always seeking new and unique expression. At Studio Ponoc, he directed the television commercial Summer Train for West Japan Railway Company (2015) and Life Ain’t Gonna Lose (2017), one of three short films in Ponoc Short Films Theatre, Volume 1 – Modest Heroes.
Music – Takatsugu Muramatsu
Takatsugu Muramatsu is a prolific film and television score creator who, in Tomorrow’s Leaves, crafts a new experience with no boundaries between music and sound effects, helping to tell the story of the film magnificently.
Producer – Yoshiaki Nishimura
Yoshiaki Nishimura is the founder of Studio Ponoc and the producer of the studio’s films. Producer, Studio Ponoc: Mary and The Witch’s Flower (2017) and Ponoc Short Films Theatre, Volume 1 – Modest Heroes (2018); Producer, Studio Ghibli: The Tale of The Princess Kaguya (2013) and When Marnie Was There (2014) (each nominated as Best Animated Feature at the Academy Awards). Advertising Producer, Studio Ghibli for the Ghibli Museum Library film collection. Born in Tokyo, studied in California.