Olympic House and sustainability

Olympic House, the new IOC headquarters under construction in Lausanne, will be an enduring testament to our ambition to become a role model in sustainability. Due to be opened in 2019, the building will be highly energy efficient and will be equipped with solar panels on its roof and heat pumps using lake water.

© TSM Perrottet

Water-saving features mean Olympic House’s consumption of the municipal supply should be 60 per cent less than a conventional building, and construction materials and furniture will meet strict environmental criteria.

Sustainability was even a feature in the demolition of the former building, with strong emphasis being placed on reusing and recycling materials.

© IOC / Delachaux

Olympic House will bring together approximately 500 employees, currently working in disparate offices throughout the city, and this will achieve substantial long-term savings, increased working efficiency and energy conservation. The building has been developed in close consultation with the local authorities, and it has been designed to ensure it fits well into its environmental and historic setting, and is embraced by the local population.

Olympic House is on track to be certified according to three well-recognised sustainability standards:

  • The LEED standard. LEED is an international standard for ‘green buildings’, which covers ecological aspects as well as the building occupants’ health and well-being.
  • The Swiss National Sustainable Construction standard (SNBS). This covers the three dimensions of sustainability, i.e. environmental sustainability, social sustainability and economic sustainability.
  • The Swiss energy efficiency standard (Minergie P). This guarantees that the building consumes less energy per square metre than average Swiss buildings.

Olympic House’s sustainability credentials cover a range of themes:

An energy-efficient building powered by renewable energy

Although Olympic House will be three times larger than the former headquarters, it should not use more energy than the former building thanks to various energy-saving measures such as enhanced insulation, smart building features or LED lighting.

The building will be mostly powered by renewable energy, part of which will be produced on site thanks to photovoltaic solar panels and heat pumps using water from the lake.

© IOC / Delachaux

A water-efficient building able to harvest and reuse rainwater

Water-saving features range from efficient sanitary equipment to native plant species with moderate hydration needs. Rainwater will be harvested and stored for reuse in toilet-flushing, car washing and plant watering.

A site that aims to enhance local biodiversity

More than 60 per cent of the site area is open space and half of it is vegetated, with 50 trees added since before development. Only indigenous plant species are being used, with meadow areas that include pollinating plants and require lower maintenance than lawns. There will be 2,500 square metres of vegetated roof; and outdoor lighting will be optimised to minimise light pollution.

© IOC / Delachaux

Sustainable construction materials and furniture

Significant efforts were deployed to screen all construction materials, equipment items, finishing materials and furniture items so that they comply with strict environmental standards, such as low contents of potentially harmful substances, in order to guarantee very good indoor air quality.

All wooden products will be FSC-certified, meaning that they come from responsibly managed forests. More specifically, it means that the wood is legally harvested, the forest is managed in a way that maintains the quality of forest ecosystems over the long term and that protects the social and economic well-being of workers and local communities.


Preference was given to materials and furniture that have a lower than average environmental footprint over their life cycle.

Recycling of construction waste

Over 75 per cent of waste produced during the construction work is being reused or recycled. Ninety-seven per cent (by weight) of the materials that made up the former IOC administration buildings were recycled or reused.

A building that aims to encourage active and ecological mobility

There will be 135 bicycle parking spaces and several charging stations for electric cars. Incentives will be put in place to encourage staff and visitors to access the site using active and ‘green’ mobility.

Accessibility features for those with a disability

All floors are accessible by wheelchair, adapted bathrooms are available on each floor, adapted showers will be provided, and several car spaces are reserved for people with a disability.

Health and well-being of users


The selection of low emitting materials and the advanced ventilation system will enhance indoor air quality, and there will be an emphasis on natural light. Work stations will be ergonomically designed, and there will be measures to encourage employees to change posture and move inside the building, as well as a state-of-the-art fitness area.