Olympism Every day, Everywhere


Olympic Values programme, Olympic Refuge Foundation, Olympism365: promoting and living the Olympic values is celebrated every day, everywhere.

Olympic Values

The four main types of financial assistance offered by Olympic Solidarity through its Olympic Values programme were distributed as follows:

  • Initiatives/projects run by the NOC or with a partner organisation (129 NOCs)
  • Scholarships for training/education (127 NOCs)
  • Participation in the International Olympic Academy (IOA) Sessions for National Olympic Academies (NOAs) and Young Olympic Ambassadors (270 sessions supported)
  • Olympic Day celebrations: 157 grants allocated in 2023


Launched in 2022, Olympism365 is the IOC’s strategy to strengthen the role of sport as an important enabler for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). It brings together initiatives that promote safe, inclusive and sustainable sport, impacting people’s lives in areas like education, employment, sustainability, equality, inclusion, health, crime prevention, peace and safety.

In 2023, in addition to delivering hundreds of Olympic values projects that increase access to sport and its benefits (for more information see the Olympic Values section – p.xx), NOCs also contributed to cross-sector collaboration to advance the UN SDGs using sport through their engagement with Olympism365-supported consortia, including by:

  • Providing expert input to Olympism365 initiatives through national and thematic advisory groups: For example, NOCs, including those of Cabo Verde, Luxembourg and Panama, actively contributed to the Move365 expert workshops series aimed at identifying barriers and enablers for youth sport participation.

  • Contributing to the development of collaborative initiatives and engaging national sport for development organisations: For instance, the NOC of Vietnam supported the co-creation of the Olympism365-supported Community Sport and Health Cooperation initiative in Vietnam, delivered in cooperation with the World Health Organization and global health NGO PATH, and ensured the engagement of relevant local stakeholders.

  • Delivering sport for sustainable development initiatives as part of Olympism365 consortia. As part of the Olympism365-supported Sport, Education and Livelihoods initiative in Latin America, the NOC of Mexico is working in a consortium of 21 organisations that includes Panam Sports, civil society organisations, UN entities, public authorities and development banks to deliver sport-based community programmes. Since its launch in 2023, 13,500 young people across eight countries have been supported to develop transferable employment skills and improve access to education, employment and economic participation

Olympic Refuge Foundation (ORF)