Liechtenstein NOC News
10 Jul 2023 - Find here the latest news from the National Olympic Committee: events, courses, general assemblies and elections, trophies and much more.
10 July 2023 - On 1 July, six new employees joined the LOC team. All of them are competitive athletes, from five different sports. They will be working on a 50 per cent basis. Their recruitment has been possible thanks to a new performance agreement with the country, which allows for a minimum level of social and financial security for athletes with an international track record or extraordinary potential for a professional sports career. The first athletes to benefit from this support are: Kathinka von Deichmann (tennis), Robin Frommelt (cross-country skiing), Nico Gauer (Alpine skiing), Marco Pfiffner (Alpine skiing), Romano Püntener (mountain biking) and Fabienne Wohlwend (automobile sports). More details here.
28 June 2022 - Stefan Marxer has been re-elected as President of the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee (LOC) for an additional term until 2026. A new LOC Board was also elected during the 29th LOC Delegates Assembly a few weeks ago in Ruggell. The delegates also unanimously approved an amendment to the statutes which included the introduction of a grassroots sports committee. In addition, following the change in the statutes, at least 30 per cent of the LOC Board members must be women and at least 30 per cent men in the future. More details here.
18 June 2021 - On 16 June, more than 580 schoolchildren took part in the Olympic Day 2021 celebration all over Liechtenstein. This was the first major sporting event in months and represented a milestone in this difficult period. The children got the chance to discover a total of 27 different sports presented by associations and clubs in Liechtenstein, and they also learned from several Olympians also present. Liechtenstein’s Prime Minister, Daniel Risch, visited several of the sites, and even tried out some of the activities. The President of the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee, Stefan Marxer, thanked the sports federations for their commitment, as most of the 120 coaches at the 27 stations took a day off specially for the event. More details here.
3 May 2021 - Over the past few months, the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee (LOC) has been reviewing its vision and mission. Based on this, its strategy for 2021 to 2024 was defined, putting the focus on Liechtenstein as a sports country: healthy, successful and sustainable! To implement this vision in a goal-oriented manner, the LOC is relying strongly on cooperation with its peers, athletes, associations, coaches, the authorities and partners, so that the sports system and recognition for sport can be promoted and positively developed. The LOC strategy is characterised by three guiding goals: promote and challenge amateur and competitive sport in both junior and adult categories; further develop the Liechtenstein sports system together with the federations; and live and spread the Olympic values. More details at
15 March 2021 - “Sport is not the problem, but part of the solution in the pandemic”. Under this motto, the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee launched a video exercise campaign in cooperation with various local partners. With the launch of the “Move together – with distance” programme, ideas for fun and varied sporting activities are shared through short videos on social media, with the aim of motivating the population of Liechtenstein to engage in sporting activity despite the current situation. In their free time, children and young people created short videos (max. 50 seconds) illustrating their ideas on the topic of “where and how to do sport”, with clips on their favourite online fitness programmes, exercises they currently like to do, or activities offered by their own clubs. Info at
28 February 2020 - In cooperation with the Liechtenstein Football Association, the NOC of Liechtenstein has launched a child protection project. It aims to host workshops and discussions and produce guidelines on how to protect children in sports associations from bullying, sexual harassment and other threats. Over 100 representatives of sports associations and clubs met in Schaan to initiate the process of setting up a safer space in sport. The patron of the project is Princess Anunciata of Liechtenstein, a member of the NOC’s Executive Board. Further events regarding child protection are planned over the next three years. More info at
22 January 2019 - The Government of Liechtenstein and the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee (LOC) have signed a performance agreement to inaugurate new national sports structures in Liechtenstein. Deputy Prime Minister Daniel Risch, LOC President Isabel Fehr and LOC Managing Director Beat Wachter signed the new performance agreement on 20 December 2018. The agreement covers the period 2019 to 2022. With the revision of the Sports Act, which came into force on 1 January 2019, a new basis for the adaptation of national sports promotion structures was created. Under the Sports Act, the government can now delegate some or all of its funding to private institutions. Based on this mechanism and the sports promotion regulation, the four-year performance agreement between the government and the LOC was concluded to transfer the federation-organised promotion of amateur and competitive sports funding to the LOC. The LOC will receive an additional annual state contribution for the years 2019 to 2022 for federation-organised sports promotion. More info at
10 December 2018 - Baron Eduard von Falz-Fein (pictured), founder of the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee passed away on 17 November at the age of 106. During a visit to Liechtenstein in February last year, the IOC President presented Baron vonFalz-Fein with the Pierre de Coubertin Medal in recognition of his long service to the Olympic Movement. The Baron founded the NOC of Liechtenstein in 1935 and ensured that a team competed in both the Games of the Olympiad and the Olympic WinterGames one year later. He subsequently attended almost every edition of the Olympic Games, holding positions in the LOC, the International Luge Federation (FIL) and the Liechtenstein Cycling Association. Full news release here.