
The Association of the IOC Recognised International Sports Federations


Maison du Sport International
Av. de Rhodanie 54
1007 Lausanne


Dr Raffaele CHIULLI

Secretary General

Mr Riccardo FRACCARI

The Association of the IOC Recognised International Sports Federations (ARISF) was created in 1983.

ARISF has several aims, namely:

  • To act as a spokesperson, and to defend and coordinate the common interests of its members whilst maintaining their authority, independence and autonomy.
  • To determine the consensus of the member federations on questions of common interest in relation to the Olympic Movement,
  • To ensure the largest possible participation in the Congresses, programmes and projects of the International Olympic Committee (IOC),
  • To decide on nominations of ARISF representatives on commissions of the IOC and/or other international sports organisations.

Sports governed by International Federations recognised by the International Olympic Committee