World Challenge Day 2014 to get millions of people moving!
With over 20 countries already registered and millions of people from around the world expected to participate in physical activities, there is still time for you and your community to register for the TAFISA World Challenge Day Cup, taking place this Wednesday, 28 May, to promote Sport for All and active, healthy living.
An international association recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), The Association for International Sport for All (TAFISA) seeks to bring joy, health, social interaction, integration and development to communities and citizens around the globe through the promotion of and access to Sport for All and physical activities.
TAFISA World Challenge Day is one such initiative which, open to communities of any size and from any country, encourages friendly international competition among communities across the world. The objective is for communities of similar size to compete against each other and motivate as many people as possible in their respective regions to be physically active for 15 minutes in a single day, in order to raise awareness of and enthusiasm for healthy and active living.
Interested in getting involved? Learn more about the TAFISA World Challenge Day 2014 here! It’s also a great warm-up for Olympic Day, celebrated on 23 June, and promoting participation in sport across the globe, regardless of age, gender or athletic ability.
Getting the world moving!
Sport for All is a movement promoting the Olympic ideal that sport is a human right for all individuals. It supports the promotion of health, fitness and well-being, and aims at encouraging people of all ages and abilities to participate in sports activities.
The IOC has produced the Get Moving! Toolkit – a guide to managing Sport for All programmes, which combines practical guidance and inspirational cases aimed at assisting and motivating participants in the development of new programmes.