The Olympic Studies Centre collaborates with international organisations to raise the visibility of social science research in sport

As part of the SSR Collaboration Platform,  a new website hosted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has been launched to promote social science research (SSR), highlighting funding opportunities and facilitating access to research findings.

The Olympic Studies Centre collaborates with international organisations to raise the visibility of social science research in sport

This platform is an informal “community of practice” for international organisations that fund or support SSR in sport integrity matters. It was established in 2021 in partnership with the Council of Europe, the European Commission, the Partnership for Clean Competition, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, the International Olympic Committee and WADA to share best practices, raise the visibility of SSR and increase its usability and, ultimately, its impact on the sporting system.

While each of the organisations involved in the SSR Collaboration Platform has its own specific research priorities, the overarching research themes that capture all of the organisations’ common interests are:

  • Athlete welfare/well-being

  • Sport integrity

  • Values-based education

  • Sport governance

  • Effectiveness of education

  • Equality and inclusion in sport

  • Athlete environment/influences on behaviour

  • Impact of technology on sport integrity

The new website has been created in response to a stakeholder survey for universities/research institutes, sports federations, anti-doping organisations, private organisations and pubic authorities aimed at getting their feedback on their experiences with SSR and understanding the needs of the sporting community in terms of SSR.

The results of the survey, which received 350+ responses, confirms the importance of SSR to sport integrity stakeholders, but also identifies existing challenges to access funding opportunities and related research findings.

For more information regarding the Stakeholder Survey Report or the SSR Collaboration Platform, please contact Kelsey Martin, Coordinator, Research and Policy (Education), at