Simplified Youth Olympic Games Host Selection Process for Africa 2022

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today published its new Host Selection Process for the fourth edition of the Youth Olympic Games (YOG), set to take place in summer 2022.

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Simplified Youth Olympic Games Host Selection Process for Africa 2022

This process has been launched following the decision taken by the IOC Session in early February to proactively approach countries on the African continent to host the YOG 2022, and has been communicated to several African National Olympic Committees.

The new process is more streamlined, simpler, cost effective and shorter, with a view to identifying the best Host Partner to collaborate with the IOC for the Summer Youth Olympic Games 2022.

The document outlines the approach that the IOC is taking, characterised by ongoing open dialogue and identification of the best use of the potential host’s resources, as well as key dates and deliverables for the IOC and interested parties to work to.

Following the feasibility studies that will be undertaken by the IOC and in-depth discussions with a number of African NOCs, the host for the YOG 2022 will be elected at the IOC Session in October 2018 in Buenos Aires.

Key dates and deliverables