Request for Expressions of Interest (RFEI)
The IOC is initiating a Request for Expression of Interest (RFEI) to support a new initiative.
In March 2023, the IOC announced a USD 10M fund per Olympiad to strengthen safeguarding in sport - the prevention and appropriate response to interpersonal violence - at the local level. Following deliberation by the IOC Safeguarding Working Group, a further announcement on the use of this fund was made in October 2023 - the setup of the Safe Sport Regional Hub Initiative.
This initiative seeks to work with key regional actors, to improve cooperation and coordination within and between stakeholders in the sporting and nonsporting safeguarding ecosystems at the regional and local level.
Such cooperation and coordination is intended to result in the establishment of two pilot hubs as proof of concept, one in Southern Africa and one in the Pacific Islands.
The hubs will aim to better facilitate access to local support for athletes and others harmed by harassment and abuse in sport using existing services where available, mobilising resources to address gaps, and enhancing localised prevention.
The IOC is therefore seeking local expert organisations and consultants to conduct a Feasibility Study for each pilot hub. This Feasibility Study includes:
- A mapping and gap analysis of key systems, services, infrastructure,legal and cultural frameworksand actors related to recourse and remedy pathways for persons affected by harassment and abuse in sport in the pilot regions
- Approaches on the meaningful engagement with those with lived experience of abuse in sport in the establishment of the regional hubs
- The co-development and testing of a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Framework for the pilot hub and
- An overview of potential regional funding sources and pathways for the hub, to match contributions from the Olympic Movement Fund.
Interested individuals and organizations should have professional and/or lived experience in the pilot regions to ensure the hubs are contextually appropriate.
Recognising the broad breadth of expertise required for such a Feasibility Study, interested organisations and individuals can apply as a suggested consortia, or apply to be part of a consortia which will be formed.
The consultancy will take place in the period from mid-2024 to mid-2025. Initially, all interested and suitably skilled providers should contact to express their interest.
The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is 17 April 2024.
With kind regards