Neighbourhood engagement
The Olympic Neighbour programme was created to help engage communities immediately surrounding Olympic competition venues and one of the three Olympic Villages. Local communities got involved in Olympic-related activities on a volunteer basis; they were consulted on their concerns and asked to show hospitality to the Olympic Games spectators.
In total, nearly 30 Olympic Neighbour organisations were created – each with an average of 350 members – to coordinate diverse initiatives. More than 5,000 volunteers took part in activities related to the Olympic Neighbour programme and the various groups related to it. Weekend sports festivals, poster contests and workshops with Olympians were carried out during the following years to further engage these neighbourhoods.
In addition, the Olympic Games Los Angeles 1984 created neighbourhood viewing sites so that local residents across the city could watch the Olympic Games, a model which continues to be used by major sports events across the world. Seven viewing sites were set up, and the most successful among them was in a community centre aiding unemployed workers. It gained media attention during the Olympic Games thanks to the enthusiasm displayed by viewers, who took full advantage of this programme.