One programme, organised by the Provincia di Torino and TOROC, the Torino Chamber of Commerce and the Associazione Torino Internazionale, named “Yes! Torino Quality for Travellers – Torinesi con Lode”, involved a series of free courses on touristic hospitality. A total of 1,300 people enrolled (568 in the training programme and 794 in English lessons), and 300 final diplomas were awarded. Among those, 85 per cent were given to tourism professionals in the city of Turin. Eighty-two hotels and 12 houses in Turin were also certified through this “Yes!” programme (data from 2010).
Another initiative, Torino & You, promoted by Turismo Torino, enrolled 830 civic volunteers to welcome visitors to Turin before and during the Olympic Winter Games in 2006. This project was extended following Torino 2006 to maximise Games volunteers’ experience. The volunteers were involved in nationally and internationally significant events organised either directly or indirectly by Turin’s authorities. The initiative would also guarantee a hospitality and information service for tourists and visitors, thereby transmitting an image of Turin as a dynamic and well-organised urban destination.