Nagano 1998

Olympic Winter Games Nagano 1998

Nagano 1998The Brand


A flower, with each petal representing an athlete practising a winter sport, and which can also be seen as a snowflake symbolising the Olympic Winter Games. The emblem is also evocative of a mountain flower, emphasising Nagano's commitment to the environment, and was thus named Snowflower. The dynamic nature of this vivid and colourful picture foreshadowed the enthusiastic atmosphere in which the Games took place, and symbolised their brilliance throughout the world.


Five kinds of official posters and seven sport-specific posters were printed for these Games. In addition, for the first time at the Olympic Winter Games, a special poster was created for the Opening Ceremony. The first poster created was designated as the official poster for the XVIII Olympic Winter Games to be preserved for posterity. It shows a thrush perched on a ski pole with mountains in the light of dawn, evoking the concept of harmony with nature. It was designed by Masuteru Aoba.


Discover the Games

The Brand

A visual identity is developed for each edition of the Olympic Games.


The Medals

Beginning as an olive wreath, medal designs have evolved over the years.


The Mascot

An original image, it must give concrete form to the Olympic spirit.


The Torch

An iconic part of any Olympic Games, each host offers their unique version.
