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Medical information for spectators

Prevention and weather conditions

Before arriving on site, find out about the weather conditions (in particular from information provided by Paris 2024).

In particular, during a heatwave or a period of extreme heat, you should :

  • Drink water regularly, without waiting until you're thirsty
  • Keep your body wet and ventilated
  • Prefer gentle activities
  • Spend time in a cool place (shaded areas are indicated on the sites)

To protect yourself from ultraviolet rays, we recommend: staying in the shade, wearing light, covering clothing, wearing sunglasses (note that some sunglasses, even those with dark lenses, do not protect against UV rays), applying sunscreen (protection factor 30 minimum) every 2 hours when the skin cannot be protected.

Some people are particularly at risk in hot weather, especially pregnant women, babies, people aged 65 and over, the chronically ill and the disabled. The heat rapidly exposes infants and young children to dehydration, which can be serious. Outside the sites, if necessary, contact your GP, call 15 (SAMU) or 112 in case of emergency.  

For further information, visit the dedicated page on the Santé Publique France website.

Mosquito prevention

In certain regions of the world, particularly tropical ones (Africa, Asia, the West Indies, the Indian Ocean, South America, the Pacific Ocean), mosquitoes can bite you day and night, transmitting diseases such as CHIKUNGUNYA, DENGUE or ZIKA.

If you are arriving from a region where cases have been reported :

  • Adopt the right gestures to avoid being bitten and transmitting the disease. Wear loose-fitting clothing, apply mosquito repellent to your skin, sleep under a mosquito net, and use insecticides indoors (electric diffusers) and outdoors (coils).
  • Pay close attention to your health, and consult a doctor in the event of joint pain, muscle aches, headaches, conjunctivitis, skin rashes with or without fever.

On-site medical assistance

For medical assistance at a Paris 2024 site, don't hesitate to visit one of our medical posts or ask the people wearing a red chasuble.

Our medical posts are open throughout the competitions and are indicated by signs on the sites.

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are also on site and freely available.

Wearing a mask

In accordance with the recommendations of Santé Publique France, wearing a mask is not compulsory on Paris 2024 sites.

However, it is recommended for everyone aged 6 and over: 

  • For people with symptoms suggestive of a viral respiratory infection, even mild ones, in the absence or pending diagnosis,
  • For people with a confirmed diagnosis (clinical or virological), throughout their contagious period (6 to 8 days on average) and up to 48 hours after the resolution of symptoms.

In all cases, respect the barrier gestures.

Credit: ShaneKato / Getty Images