Age: 21
Stage 6


Lena Bardiot-Patroni will carry the Olympic torch. This is her story:

Lena grew up in an environment steeped in the values of Olympism and Paralympism, such as friendship, respect, excellence, determination, equality and courage. Continuing the family, cultural, and sporting tradition was only natural for her, knowing that her grandmother participated in the Grenoble Games in 1968 and that her mother had the honour of lighting the cauldron in Corte for the Albertville Games in 1992.

Since her childhood, Lena has explored various physical activities, including judo, gymnastics and rugby. Yet it was in artistic swimming that she truly flourished as both an athlete and a woman. Transitioning from competitor to coach, she lives and breathes Olympic values day in, day out. At the same time, in her role as a registered nurse, Lena harnesses the power of sporting values to overcome challenges and assist her patients. She is also involved in coastal rescue, first aid and beach surveillance activities. Becoming an Olympic torchbearer was her most ardent desire, as she sees it as a way of passing on her legacy to the generations of tomorrow.