On 7 April 2019, the French Football Federation (FFF), created by the transformation of the Comité Français Interfédéral (CFI), celebrated its 100th anniversary.
The French Football Federation organises, supervises and regulates amateur and elite football, its funding, and the training of players and coaches throughout France. It has 2.22 million members, 14,000 clubs and 400,000 volunteers. The men's team's title in 1984 in Los Angeles is the only Olympic gold medal won to date.
For 2024, the two stages of the team Relay will, firstly, showcase all forms of football and, secondly, the excellence of French-style training.
The Torch Relay represents the link between those involved in these Games throughout the country. For me, it is also a link with our history and the distinct role that the Olympic tournament has played in the globalisation of our sport, which has become the most universal sport.
Team Relay in Furiani, May 14.
With football represented throughout the country, it was important to involve the Scented Isle, whose dynamism is recognised by football fans.
At the heart of the Armand Cesari Stadium, the captain will be keen to showcase all the new activities that an FFF club can offer football lovers, whatever their age, gender or physical or cognitive abilities. These include walking football, fit football, futsal, football5s and foot golf.
For the first time in the history of the Games, each day of the Olympic Torch Relay and Paralympic Torch Relay, relay teams of 24 people, made up of champions, everyday athletes, volunteers, referees, coaches, etc. will be organized to spread the energy of sport and teamwork throughout the country.
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