Athletes For Good - Carlotta Gilli

Carlotta Gilli

Para swimming, Italy


Carlotta Gilli learned about ToSwim in 2019 through her local network and was attracted to the organization’s mission of making swimming more accessible to people in underprivileged areas and people with disabilities. ToSwim is an integrated SuperApp that digitizes the world of swimming and creates a new experience for all swimmers by involving them in a community where they can communicate, inform, play, compete and become active fans in competitions and aquatic events. The organization is currently working on two pilot projects: an eight-lesson course dedicated to introducing swimming to people with cognitive and physical disabilities and a light therapy project that helps people with cognitive issues induce reactions in their nerve cells through light stimuli. Carlotta is an ambassador at ToSwim and helps drive awareness while providing key input on projects.

The P&G 2024 Athletes For Good grant will allow ToSwim to install LED systems into six pools, impacting 10 people per hour and 600 people per week, per pool.

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