William Henry SCHUETTE

첫 참가헬싱키 1952


William Shuette paddled for the Washington Canoe Club, but also was affiliated with the Potomac Boat Club. He was a rare canoeist who competed in both Kayak and Canadian races. He graduated from Catholic University in 1956. In 1956 Shuette was a 2nd lieutenant in the US Air Force. He was 1953 Dominion Day champion in Toronto in K-1, and was US junior champion in C-1 in 1956. Schuette was second in the 1956 US Olympic Trials in the K-1 1,000, finishing behind Frank Havens, but he was able to start at the Olympics when Havens withdrew to concentrate on the 10K event. The Washington Canoe Club later named a trophy for Schuette for the Middle States Regatta.

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