Vincenzo DALL'OSSO

첫 참가헬싱키 1952


Vincenzo Dall'Osso had a 12-year boxing career from 1946-58. He remained an amateur throughout that time, resisting the opportunity to turn professional. He had 170 bouts in total and represented Italy on 15 occasions. Dall'Osso won the bantamweight gold medal at the 1951 European Championships, and then competed at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics. After his retirement, Dall'Osso dedicated his life to inventions and patents, and also wrote over 50 books. His literary works included a history of boxing in the city of Imola, and also one detailing the Dall’Osso’s family tree, covering over 400 years from 1600. The Italian Boxing Federation (F. P. I.) magazine Boxe Ring included Dall’Osso amongst the best Italian amateur bantamweights of all time.

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