올림픽 메달
첫 참가몬트리올 1976


Ilona Schoknecht-Slupianek started in 1976 under her maiden name of Schoknecht and in 1980 as Slupianek, after marriage, but was then divorced and was re-married to her teammate Hartmut Briesenick, but retained her surname, although they also later divorced. She was married a third time in 2008. From 1976-86 she was a member of East German’s People's Chamber. In 1977 at the European Cup in Helsinki, she caused the first case of doping in the sports history of the former GDR, and was suspended for one year. In 1980 she was elected the World Athlete of the Year after winning the gold medal at the Moscow Olympics. After German re-unification it was shown by Brigitte Berendonk and the documents of the Military Medical Academy in Bad Saarow that Schoknecht-Slupianek had been systematically doped, receiving high-doses of oral Turinabol between 1981 and 1984.

In her sports career she won the bronze medal at the 1983 World Championships, won the 1977 World Cup, although later disqualified for doping misuse, winning again in 1979 and 1981. She was also European Champion in 1978 and 1982 and won the European Cup 1977 (also disqualified for doping misuse), 1979 and 1981. At the World Indoor Championships she earned a silver in 1987 and at the European Indoor Championships won a bronze in 1976, a silver in 1977, and two golds in 1979 and 1981. Her collection was completed by 11 national titles indoor and outdoor. She also set two world records. She retired after missing the qualification for the 1988 Olympics.

Personal Best: SP – 22.45 (1980).

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