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B-Boy's Last CallDesperado Soul BREAKVon Adrian Quesada [ASCAP] 50%/Skinny Williams [BMI] 50%
The Break Dancing Dolphin DisciplesHead On - Fast Rock Grooves BREAKVon John Dufilho [ASCAP] 50%/Skinny Williams [BMI] 50%
B-Boy Taxi SquadPotent Playlist - Pick Up The Pace BREAKVon Timothy Kvasnosky [ASCAP] 50%/Skinny Williams [BMI] 50%
MantraHip Trip 3: World Beat WORLDVon Ruben Ayala [ASCAP] 100%
New Delhi TransgressionsTransglobal Beat Federation WORLDVon Ruben Ayala [ASCAP] 33.34%/Dusty Hendrix [BMI] 33.33%/Jeffrey W. Wade [ASCAP] 33.33%
TomahawkEpic Tribal Beats WORLDVon Sacha James Collisson [PRS] 80%/Vance Westlake [PRS] 20%
Apogee AngelsIridescence (Thru Indie) WORLDVon Jeremy Noel William Abbott [PRS] 50%/ Vasco [PRS] 50%
Extreme AdrenalineCheerleader Fuel TRAPVon Emanuel Kallins [BMI] 50%/Steve Skinner [BMI] 50%
Battle HammerEpic Tribal Beats 2 OTHERVon Max Howlett [PRS] 80%/Adele Roberts [PRS] 20%
Can't LoseGAME ON - Female Led Hip Hop HIP HOPVon Ashlee Shantice Mcculley [BMI] 46%/Tom Prendergast [PRS] 8%/Jamie Westgarth Shield [PRS] 46%
Taipei BackGlobal Groove v1 CHINAVon Daniel Holter [ASCAP] 50%/Chris Mosher [ASCAP] 50%
Plasma BuddhaHip-Hop Radioland CHINAVon Chad Yeaman [ASCAP] 100%