Sport et vie saine

Entre 2000 et 2010, plus de quatre mille organisations et groupements de Colombie-Britannique ont contribué à créer un riche héritage en lien avec les Jeux.

Sport et vie saine
© viaSport

New programmes and partnerships were initiated to generate measurable social change in the area of sport and healthy living. These included the BC Sport Participation Programme and Game Plan BC.

After the Games, many of these programmes were transferred to viaSport, established in 2011 by 2010 Legacies Now to coordinate a province-wide approach to increasing participation in sport and physical activity.

Today, an average of 718,000 athletes register for organised sports in British Columbia every year, with over 16,000 coaches attending training sessions. In addition to this, 1,163 major sporting events have been held since the Games in 103 different communities.