États-Unis d’Amérique
États-Unis d’Amérique
Médailles olympiques
Première participationMontréal 1976
Année de naissance1953


Sue Rojcewicz was a 5-7 (1.70) guard who played college ball at Southern Connecticut. While there she made the Kodak All-America team in 1975 and was the team MVP in 1974 and 1975. She also played three years of collegiate softball and field hockey. In addition to her Olympic experience, Rojcewicz also played on the 1975 World Championships team, and won a gold medal as part of the 1975 Pan American Games team. After her 1975 college graduation, Sue Rojcewicz took a job as a physical education teacher and assistant basketball coach at Penn State. She later moved to Stanford as assistant coach, and in 1982 was appointed head basketball coach at the Univ. of San Francisco. While at Stanford she supplemented her B.A. degree by earning a masters degree in education.

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