Age: 77
Stage 68


Jean Jouzel will carry the Olympic Torch. This is his story:

In 1987, in collaboration with Claude Lorius, Jean published the first study that formally established the link between the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and global warming. His groundbreaking work has paved the way for an in-depth understanding of climate change and its consequences. From 2002 to 2015, he was vice-chairman of the IPCC, the international organisation created to assess climate science research.

His leadership was crucial in raising awareness throughout the world of the challenges facing the climate and in promoting measures to mitigate them. At present, he is a member of the economic, social and environmental council, with whom he continues to contribute to elaborating policies and recommendations aimed at combatting climate change and promoting sustainable development on a domestic and international scale. His unwavering commitment to protecting the environment and combating global warming has made him a leading figure in the field of climatology and environmental policy.